When To Write Out Numbers Apa

There are many rules for when to write out numbers in APA Style, and they can seem confusing at first. However, with a little practice, you will be able to identify the correct number formatting for any scenario.

Generally, whole numbers below 10 should be written out as words, while numbers 10 and above should be written in digits. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, if you are citing a study that found that 9 out of 10 participants agreed with a statement, you would write “nine out of 10 participants.” However, if you are citing the number of participants in the study, you would write “90 participants.”

Another exception occurs when a number appears as part of a unit of measurement. In this case, the number should always be written in digits, regardless of its size. For example, you would write “5 kg” rather than “five kg.”

When writing out numbers in a sentence, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, always spell out the number when it begins a sentence. Additionally, use commas to set off numbers that are less than 10. For example, “Eight people showed up for the party.”

If a number is between 10 and 19, use the word “and” between the numbers. For example, “Thirteen and a half cups of flour.”

Finally, when a number is 20 or above, use the word “twenty” or “twenty-one,” etc., rather than spelling out the number. For example, “There were twenty participants in the study.”

Do you spell out numbers in APA 7th edition?

When writing in APA 7th edition, do you spell out numbers less than 10? What about numbers 11 and up? In general, are numbers written out in words or are they spelled out in numerals?

According to the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition, numbers 10 and under should be spelled out in words. For numbers 11 and up, numerals should be used. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, if a sentence begins with a number, that number should be spelled out in words. Additionally, if a number is included in parentheses, it should be spelled out in words. In general, numbers that are not included in text should be written in numerals.

Some other exceptions to the general rule include fractions (e.g., 1/2) and percentages (e.g., 25%). In these cases, the numerals should be used. Additionally, when a number is followed by a unit of measurement, the number should be written in numerals (e.g., 5 kg).

Overall, when in doubt, it is best to spell out numbers in words. This will ensure that your writing is consistent and easy to understand.

Are numbers used in APA format?

Numbers in APA format are used to indicate statistical significance in research reports and to provide accurate page numbers. For example, if a researcher wanted to report that the mean age of participants in a study was 25.5 years, they would use the number 25.5, rather than writing “25 years and 5 months.” Numbers are also used to designate tables and figures. For example, if a researcher included a table with the results of a study, they would refer to it as Table 1, rather than as “the table.”

How do you list numbers in APA 7th edition?

The American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, 7th edition, provides guidance on how to list numbers in APA style. Generally, numbers one through nine should be spelled out, while numbers 10 and above should be written in Arabic numerals. When a number is followed by a unit of measurement, it should be written in Arabic numerals.

For example, the number 8 should be spelled out as eight, and the number 8.5 should be written as 8.5. However, the number 105 should be written as 105, and the number 1,000 should be written as 1,000.

When a number is at the beginning of a sentence, it should be spelled out. For example, “Eight participants completed the study” should be written as “Eight participants completed the study.” However, when a number is included in the middle of a sentence, it should be written in Arabic numerals. For example, “The study included eight participants” should be written as “The study included eight participants.”

Where do the numbers go in APA?

When writing in APA style, the numbers in your text should be written out up to nine (9), and then use figures for anything larger. For example, “There were nine people in the room” would be written as “There were nine people in the room,” but “There were 10 people in the room” would be written as “There were 10 people in the room.”

If you are using a number in parentheses, you should still use figures.

For example, “(9 people)” would be written as “(9 people).”

It is also important to use figures when writing about statistics, percentages, or any other numerical information in your text. For example, “The study found that the average IQ was 95” would be written as “The study found that the average IQ was 95.”

Should the number 7 be spelled out?

There are a few different schools of thought on this topic. Some people believe that the number 7 should always be spelled out, while others believe that it can be abbreviated as 7. Still others believe that the number should be abbreviated in some cases, but spelled out in others.

There are a few reasons why some people believe that the number 7 should always be spelled out. One reason is that 7 is a special number. It is the only number that is both odd and prime. Additionally, 7 is the number of days in a week, and it is said that 7 is a lucky number.

Another reason why some people believe that 7 should always be spelled out is because there are a lot of abbreviations that are already in use, and it can be confusing to have multiple abbreviations for the same thing. For example, there are a lot of different abbreviations for inches (in, “, and “), and it can be confusing to have multiple abbreviations for the same measurement.

On the other hand, there are a few reasons why some people believe that the number 7 can be abbreviated. One reason is that it takes up a lot of space when it is spelled out. Another reason is that it can be difficult to say the number 7 accurately, especially if there are multiple syllables.

Still, other people believe that the number 7 should be abbreviated in some cases, but spelled out in others. This is because there are a lot of cases where it is not necessary to spell out the number 7. For example, in a sentence like “I have 7 siblings”, it is not necessary to spell out the number 7 because it is clear that there are seven siblings.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to spell out the number 7 or not is up to the individual. There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument, and it is up to the person to decide what they prefer.


  • owengriffiths

    Owen Griffiths is 35 years old and a blogger and teacher. He has written about education for over 10 years and has a passion for helping others learn.