How Url Shorten Company Make Money

Many people wonder, even Genbeta readers how they make money from URL shortening companies. Although this boom in these services is real, it’s not surprising that there are still some well-known companies today: bit. ly, tinyurl, goo. gl, etc. These services are often asked how they make money. You don’t see any monetization system. But, this article will attempt to answer that question.

What is direct and indirect redirection? Some URL shorteners redirect users directly to the page shortened, while others send them to the page that displays the original contents in an embedded frame. Advertising is involved in the second case. Recent years have seen many shorteners use the second method to add Google AdSense or ads from other advertising networks. The traffic they can redirect via their services will have a direct impact on how much money each shortener is able generate. Services for companies and analytics. These services do more than shorten URLs. Bit is the main reference here. You can get a package for businesses from ly. Every company can set up their own short addresses. In addition, they have access to an Analytics service that provides statistics on clicks for each published link. This type of stats is very valuable for companies. Clicking on them adds an additional value to shortening.

Reality for shorteners. Unfortunately, very few shorteners are capable of building a business model that is stable around their main activity. Many shorteners have disappeared and appeared in recent years. Few of these shorteners have survived. These services are very cost-effective and require little investment. You don’t have to make a lot of money to get tinyurl.


  • owengriffiths

    Owen Griffiths is 35 years old and a blogger and teacher. He has written about education for over 10 years and has a passion for helping others learn.